AA | - | Always Afloat | |
AAAA | - | Always Accessible Always Afloat | |
AARA | - | Amsterdam-Antwerp-Rotterdam Area | |
ADCOM | - | Address Commission | |
AFSPS | - | Arrival First Sea Pilot Station(Norway) | |
AFFREIGHTMENT | - | The Hiring of a ship in whole or part | |
AFT | - | At or towards the stern or rear of a ship | |
AGW | - | All Going Well | |
AHL | - | Australian Hold Ladders | |
ALFA | - | A | |
ANTHAM | - | Antwerp-Hamburg Range | |
APS | - | Arrival Pilot Station | |
ARAG | - | Amsterdam-Rotterdam--Antwerp-Gent Range | |
A/S | - | Alongside | |
ATDNSHINC | - | Any Time Day/Night Sundays and Holidays Unincluded | |
ATUTC | - | Actual Times Used to Count | |
B | - | Bale Capacity | |
BAF | - | Bunker Adjustment Factor. A Fuel Surcharge expressed as a percentage added or subtracted from the freight amount,reflecting the movement in the market place price for bunkers. | |
BALLAST | - | Heavy weight, often sea water, necessary for the stability and safety of a ship which is not carrying cargo. | |
BAREBOAT CHTR | - | Bareboat Charter - Owners lease a specific ship and control its technical management and commercial operations only. | |
BBB | - | Before Breaking Bulk | |
BDAYS | - | Banking Days | |
BDI | - | Both Dates Inclusive | |
BENDS | - | Both Ends (Load & Discharge Ports) | |
BI | - | Both Inclusive | |
BIMCO | - | The Baltic and International Council | |
BL1 | - | Bale | |
BL2 | - | (Bill of Lading). A document signed by the carrier which acts as a Contract of Affreightment, a receipt and evidence of title to the cargo. | |
BOC | - | Bulk Oil Carrier | |
BRAVO | - | B | |
BRG | - | Barge | |
BOFFER | - | Best Offer | |
BROB | - | Bunkers Remaining on Board | |
BSS | - | basis | |
BSS 1 | - | 1/1 Basis 1 Port to 1 Port | |
BT | - | Berth Terms | |
BUNDLING | - | This is the assembly of pieces of cargo, secured into one manageable unit. This is relevant to items such as Structural Steel, Handrails, Stairways etc.Whilst this is a very flexible description, a rule of thumb is to present cargo at a size easily handled by a large (20 tonnes) fork lift truck. | |
BUNKERS | - | Name given for vessels Fuel and Diesel Oil supplies (Originates from coal bunkers) | |
BWAD | - | Brackish Water Arrival Draft | |
C/B | - | Crew Boat | |
CBFT | - | (or CFT) Cubic Feet | |
CFR (or C&F;) | - | Cost and Freight | |
CHOPT | - | Charterers Option | |
CHTRS | - | Charterers | |
CIF | - | Cost, Insurance & Freight. Seller pays all these costs to a nominated port or place of discharge. | |
C/B | - | Crew Boat | |
Contract of Affreightment | - | Owners agree to accept a cost per revenue tonne for cargo carried on a specific number of voyages. | |
COA | - | Contract of Agremeent | |
COACP | - | Contract of Affreightment Charter Party | |
COB | - | Clean On Board | |
COGSA | - | Carriage of Goods by Sea Act | |
COP | - | Custom of the Port | |
CUFT | - | Cubic Feet | |
CP (or C/P) | - | Charter | |
DAPS | - | Days all Purposes (Total days for loading & discharging) | |
DAMFORDET | - | Damages for Detention. Penalty if cargo is not ready when ship arrives for working (1st day of Laycan). This is not detention which is charged for ships time on delay. If the cargo is ready there is no DAMFORDET. | |
DDU | - | Delivered Duty unpaid. | |
DDP | - | Delivered Duty Paid. | |
DEM | - | Demurrage (Quay Rent). Money paid by the shipper for the occupying port space beyond a specified _Free Time_ period. | |
DERR | - | Derricks | |
DFRT | - | Dead Freight | |
DHDATSBE | - | Despatch Half Demurrage on All Time Saved Both Ends | |
DHDWTSBE | - | Despatch Half Demurrage on Working Time Saved Both Ends | |
DISCH | - | Discharge | |
DK | - | Deck | |
DLOSP | - | Dropping Last Outwards Sea Pilot (Norway) | |
DNRCAOSLONL | - | Discountless and Non-Returnable Cargo and/or Ship Lost or Not Lost | |
DOP | - | Drop Outward Pilot | |
DRAUGHT | - | Depth to which a ship is immersed in water. The depth (or varies according to the design of the ship and will be DRAFT) greater or lesser depending not only on the weight of the ship and everything on board, but also on the density of the water in which the ship is lying. | |
DUNNAGE | - | Materials of various types, often timber or matting, placed among the cargo for separation, and hence protection from damage, for ventilation and, in the case of certain cargoes, to provide space in which the tynes of a fork lift truck may be inserted. | |
DWAT (or DWT) | - | Deadweight. Weight of cargo, stores and water, i.e., the difference between lightship and loaded displacement. | |
DWCC | - | Dead Weight Cargo Capacity | |
D/N | - | Day and Night | |
EC | - | East Coast | |
EIU | - | Even if Used | |
ELVENT | - | Electric Ventilation | |
ETA | - | Estimated Time of Arrival | |
ETC | - | Estimated Time of Completion | |
ETD | - | Estimated Time of Departure | |
ETS | - | Estimated Time of Sailing | |
EXW | - | Ex Works | |
FAS | - | - Free Alongside Ship. Seller delivers goods to appropriate dock or terminal at port of embarkation and buyer covers costs and risks of loading. | |
FCA | - | Free to Carrier. A modern equivalent of FAS used in intermodal transport where goods are transferred at a nominated forwarder premises, depot or terminal but not actually put on board vessel. | |
FHEX | - | Fridays Holidays Excluded | |
FIXING | - | Chartering a Vessel | |
FLATPACKING | - | Cargo to be presented stacked and secured as an integral unit. | |
FREE DESPATCH | - | If loading/discharging achieved sooner than agreed, there will be no freight money returned. | |
FREE OUT | - | Free of discharge costs to owners. Includes seafreight only. | |
FRT | - | Freight | |
FILO | - | Free In/Liner Out. Seafreight with which the shipper pays load costs and the carrier pays for discharge costs. | |
FIO | - | Free In/Out. Freight booked FIO includes the seafreight, but no loading/discharging costs, i.e. the charterer pays for cost of loading/discharging cargo. | |
FIOS | - | Free In/Out Stowed. As per FIO, but includes stowage costs. | |
FIOST | - | Free In/Out and Trimmed. Charterer pays for cost of loading/discharging cargo, including stowage and trimming. | |
FIOT | - | Free In/Out and Trimmed. As per FIOS but includes trimming, e.g. the levelling of bulk cargoes | |
FIOS | - | includes seafreight, but excludes loading/discharging and stowage costs. | |
includes seafreight, but excludes loading/discharging and stowage costs. | - | Free In Trimmed | |
FIW | - | Free In Wagon | |
FIXING | - | Chartering a Vessel | |
FLATPACKING | - | Cargo to be presented stacked and secured as an integral unit. | |
FMC | - | Federal Maritime Commission | |
FMS | - | Fathoms | |
FO (IFO) | - | Fuel Oil/Intermediate FO | |
FOB | - | Free on Board. Seller sees the goods _over the ship_srail_ on to the ship which is arranged and paid for by the buyer. | |
FOFFER | - | Firm Offer | |
FOG | - | - For Our Guidance | |
FOQ | - | Free On Quay | |
FOR | - | Free On Rail | |
FORCE MAJEUR | - | Clause limiting responsibilities of the charterers,shippers and receivers of cargo. | |
FOT | - | Free On Truck | |
FOW1 | - | First Open Water | |
FOW2 | - | Free On Wharf | |
FREE DESPATCH | - | If loading/discharging achieved sooner than agreed, there will be no freight money returned. | |
FREE OUT | - | Free of discharge costs to owners. Includes seafreight only. | |
FWAD | - | Fresh Water Arrival Draft | |
FWDD | - | - Fresh Water Departure Draft | |
FYG | - | For Your Guidance | |
FYI | - | For Your Information | |
GA | - | General Average | |
GLS | - | Gearless | |
GNCN | - | Gencon (General Conditions) | |
GN (or GR) | - | Grain (capacity) | |
GO | - | Gas Oil | |
GRD | - | Geared | |
GRT | - | Gross Registed Tonnage | |
GSB | - | Good Safe Berth | |
GSP | - | Good Safe Port | |
GTEE | - | Guarantee | |
2H | - | Second Half | |
HA | - | - Hatch | |
HDWTS | - | Half Despatch Working (or Weather) Time Saved | |
HHDW | - | Handy Heavy d.w. (scrap) | |
HMS | - | Heavy Metal Scraps | |
HO | - | - Hold | |
HW | - | High Water | |
IMDG | - | International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code | |
IMO | - | International Maritime Organisation | |
IN&/OR OVER | - | IN&/OR OVER | |
IND | - | Indication | |
INTERMODAL | - | Carriage of a commodity by different modes of transport, i.e. sea, road, rail and air within a single journey. | |
INCOTERMS | - | (Refer comments in covering letter) | |
ITF | - | Complies on Crewing | |
IU | - | If Used | |
IUHTAUTC | - | If Used, Half Time Actually To Count | |
IWL | - | Institute Warranty Limits | |
KOS | - | - Kilograms | |
LANE METER | - | A method of measuring the space capacity of Ro/Ro ships whereby each unit of space (Linear Meter) is represented by an area of deck 1.0 meter in length x 2.0 meters in width. | |
LASH | - | To hold goods in position by use of Ropes, Wires, Chains or Straps etc. | |
LAT | - | Latitude | |
LI | - | Liner In | |
LO | - | Liner Out | |
LOA | - | Length Overall of the vessel | |
LOW | - | Last Open Water | |
LSD | - | Lashed Secured Dunnaged | |
LT | - | Liner Terms | |
LW | - | Low Water | |
LYCN | - | Laycan (Layday Cancelling Date) | |
MB | - | Merchant Broker | |
MDO (DO) | - | Marine Diesel Oil | |
MIN/MAX | - | Minimum/Maximum (cargo quantity) | |
MOLCHOPT | - | More or Less Charterers Option | |
MOLOO | - | More or Less Owners Option | |
M/T | - | Motor Tanker | |
MTS | - | Metric Tons | |
M/V | - | Motor Vessel | |
NAABSA | - | Not Always Afloat But Safely Aground | |
NCB | - | National Cargo Bureau | |
NESTING | - | Implies that cargo is presented stacked in the contour of similarly shaped cargo, it may be likened to a stack of plates. This is particularly relevant in the presentation of tankage strakes for transport. | |
NON-REVERSIBLE | - | (Detention). If loading completed sooner than expected, then saved days will not be added to discharge time allowed. | |
NOR | - | Notice of Readiness | |
NRT | - | Net Register Tonnage | |
NYPE | - | New York Produce Exchange | |
OO | - | Owners Option | |
OPT | - | Option | |
OSH | - | Open Shelter Deck | |
OWS | - | Owners | |
PASTUS | - | Past Us | |
PC | - | Period of Charter | |
PCGO | - | Part Cargo | |
PDPR | - | Per Day Pro Rata | |
PERDIEM | - | - By the Day | |
PER SE | - | By Itself | |
PHPD | - | Per Hatch Per Day | |
PRATIQUE | - | Licence or permission to use a port | |
RCVR | - | - Receiversl | |
REVERSIBLE | - | (Detention). If loading completed sooner than expected at load port, then days saved can be added to discharge operations. | |
ROB | - | Remaining On Board | |
RT | - | Revenue Tonne (i.e. 1.0 metric Tonne or 1.0 cubic meter, whichever greater). The overall RT is calculated on a line by line basis of the Packing List using the largest amount. The overall freight liability is calculated on the total RT amount, multiplied by the freight rate | |
SB | - | - Safe Berth | |
SD (or SID) | - | Single Decker | |
SEAFREIGHT | - | Costs charged for transporting goods over the sea. This does not cover any haulage or loading/discharging costs but the sea transport only. | |
SF | - | Stowage factor. Cubic space (measurement tonne) occupied by one tonne (2,240 lbs/1,000 kgs) of cargo. | |
SKIDS | - | Are bearers (timber or steel) positioned under cargo to enable fork lift handling at port, and for ease of rigging and lashing on board ship. | |
SL | - | Bale (capacity) | |
SOC | - | Shipper Owned Container | |
SOF | - | Statement Of Facts | |
SP | - | Safe Port | |
SPIDERING | - | Is the internal strengthening of circular tanks for transport, this prevents the tanks becoming warped. The tanks are strengthened with steel or wood crossbeams giving a _spider_ appearance. | |
SRBL | - | Signing and Releasing Bill of Lading | |
STABILITY | - | It is paramount that a vessel is stable in all respects at all times. When cargo is loaded/discharged, the stability is monitored by a computer, which takes into account the weight and position of cargo within the vessel. | |
SUPERCARGO | - | Person employed by a ship owner, shipping company, charterer of a ship or shipper of goods to supervise cargo handling operations. Often called a port captain. | |
Time Charter | - | Owners agree to hire a particular ship for | |
TEU | - | Standard Container | |
TTL | - | Total | |
USC | - | Unless Sooner Commenced | |
UU | - | Unless Used | |
UUIWCTAUTC | - | Unless Used In Which Case Time Actually Used To Count | |
VPD | - | Vessel Pays Dues | |
WCCON | - | Whether Customs Cleared Or Not | |
WIBON | - | Whether In Berth Or Not | |
WIFPON | - | Whether In Free Pratique or not | |
WIPON | - | Whether In Port Or Not | |
WLTOHC | - | P(distance) Water Line-To-Hatch Coaming | |
WOG | - | Without Guarantee | |
WPD | - | Weather Permitting Day | |
WWD | - | Weather Working Day | |
WRIC | - | Wire Rods In Coils | |
WWR | - | When, Where Ready | |
WWWW | - | Wibon, Wccon, Wifpon, Wipon | |
YAR | - | York Antwerp Rules | |
Z UTC | - | GMT |